Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Diazepam And Getting High And It's Effect On Erection

Brand Name: Valium, Diastat
Medical Name: Diazepam
Type: Prescription
Parent Class: Benzodiazepine

Diazepam is one of the psychoactive drugs which may cause erectile dysfunction or may even delay the orgasm. Erectile dysfunction is medical condition in which the penile does not achieve erection sufficient for intercourse. Erectile dysfunction occurs when the neural pathway to the penis does not function properly, or when the blood circulation in the penis is not adequate, or when the brain does not send certain stimulus.
Diazepam works on the brain receptors and inhibits the neuron activity. Diazepam also relaxes the body muscles through its inhibitory actions on the neural paths in the spinal cord. So, if the patient is experiencing erectile dysfunction during the diazepam usage it might be because of the psychoactive elements of the drug.